Holiday Journal

Narrowboat 'Clover' at Braunston Turn

We hired from Wyvern again this year, with the intention of doing the "Thames Ring".

This year we covered the River and tidal Thames for the first time. The River is managed by the Environment Agency and an extra permit is required for boats coming from British Waterways waters. Our permit for 2 weeks cost £128.00. Moorings are more difficult to come by as the land is not owned by EA, so local landowners can charge what they like - some are free for 1st 24hr, others range from £4 to £10. The locks on the river are all electrified, and manned and operated from 09:00 to 17:00 by lock-keepers from EA. Outwith those times, they are self-service using the push-button gear provided (the text notes where we went self-service). The tidal Thames is managed by the Port of London Authority and special arrangements apply.

Distance and lock data courtesy of "Canal Planner for Windows" (v6), written by the late Syd Arkless.

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